Ideas For Earning Money While Backpacking
Obviously it makes sense to save as much money in advance before you head out on a backpacking trip, but if you are planning on travelling for a very long time, you need to find ways to make money while on the road. As you will discover from the article below there are a lot of interesting and unique ways you can earn a living while you travel from city to city and country to country. Even if many of the jobs don’t pay particularly well, they may help get you free food and board at the very least; as well as add to the overall backpacking holiday experience.
Teach English Or Work As A Translator
When trying to find work in a foreign land that you are relatively new to, you need to play to your strengths and unique abilities and skills. As a native English speaker in a non-English speaking country, you are almost 90% of the way qualified to teach English to locals. In many countries, you do not even need any formal experience, training or qualification. The best way to earn money teaching English is to work privately.
Another interesting way to use your inherent skills as a native English speaker is by getting work as a translator for an agency.
If you are interested in something a little different you should consider checking out opportunities offered by WWOOF, a network that offers people employment positions on organic farms throughout the world. In exchange for your help you not only learn a little about organic farming, but you also get free food and board.
Hostel Work
Hostels are a type of accommodation you may have considered already for your backpacking trip, but did you know you could also work in them? Lots of hostels around the world employ travellers to help with the general upkeep of the building. Although some hostels do pay their extra staff, some may offer you a bed and some food.
Work In A Bar
Bar work is one of the easiest types of employment for travellers to seek out. You don’t really even have to be trained, as the most bar will train their new members of staff. The pay is not great, but if you are pit-stopping off somewhere in particular on your trip and need to make a little bit more money; you will be glad to be doing something you enjoy.
Charity Work
The world is full of volunteer employment opportunities. You should be carefully thought about to avoid volunteer charity positions that require you to pay for the privilege of working for them, as they are just looking to rip you off. The best way to find voluntary and charity work is to wait until you arrive and find projects that you can get involved in while you are there, rather than trying to arrange things in advance before you leave the UK.
If you are travelling to and through poorer countries there are many work opportunities open to backpackers that will allow you the chance to really connect and work with local people, getting to know them and learning more about their customs.
Are you a writer, photographer or web developer? You could find ways of using the skills online to make money while travelling. There are many freelance websites like Fiverr and Upwork that allow people to offer their services in exchange for money.
Income Generating Projects
It is also worth considering income-generating projects in countries where you know your money will go further than it would at home. If you have an idea for a business project, why not see if there is some way that you can set it up during your time away and build something that could provide an additional income once you return home? This option takes quite a lot of commitment and planning on the part of the traveller, however, it might just be worth it.
Overall, there is a multitude of ways to make money while backpacking around the world. These options range from teaching English and working in bars to WWOOF or freelance work, so whatever your skills or preference you can find something that fits you. With some hard work and creativity, it is possible to support yourself through your travels with ease!